
Slot English Deutsch

  1. Slot English Deutsch Translator

Another word for slot. Find more ways to say slot, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Here we grab references to all the slots, then add a slotchange event listener to the 2nd slot in the template — which is the one that keeps having its contents changed in the example. Every time the element inserted in the slot changes, we log a report to the console saying which slot has changed, and what the new node inside the slot is. Translation for: 'slot' in English-German dictionary. Search nearly 14 million words and phrases in more than 470 language pairs.

Slot English Deutsch Translator

» Tabular list of translations always
» List of translations starting with the same letters
» SLO slot
NOUNa slot slots
VERBto slot slotted slotted
slotting slots
SYNOexpansion slot slot slot ...
Spalte {f}
Schlitz {m}
Aufnahme {f}engin.
Steckplatz {m}[für eine Baugruppe]comp.electr.
Slot {m}aviat.comp.pharm.
Spalt {m}
Nute {f}
Sendeplatz {m}RadioTV
Kontaktschlitz {m}
Langloch {n}
Einschub {m}[Schlitz, Öffnung]comp.electr.tech.
Geldschlitz {m}
Einwurf {m}[Münzen]
Nut {f}tech.
Versenkung {f}[auf der Bühne]theatre
Einschubschlitz {m}
Aussparung {f}[Schlitz]
Leerstelle {f}ling.
[Falltür auf der Bühne]theatre
slot [for landing or taking off]
Zeitnische {f}aviat.
slot [Br.][dialect]
Türriegel {m}
slot [of deer]
Fährte {f}
slot [track of an animal]
Spur {f}
slot [opening]
Tasche {f}[Hohlraum, Schlitz zur Aufbewahrung]
slot [on an electric toaster]
Röstschlitz {m}
slot-shaped {adj}
to slot in
sich einfügen lassen
to slot sb./sth. in [fit in]
jdn./etw. dazwischenschieben
to slot sth. into sth.
etw. in etw.Akk. stecken
to slot sth. together
etw. ineinanderstecken
to slot together [parts, object]
to slot together [pieces of mystery, etc.]
(coin) slot
Münzeinwurf {m}
Münzschlitz {m}
air slot
Luftschlitz {m}
aperture slot
Öffnungsschlitz {m}
card slot
Kartenschlitz {m}tech.
Karteneinschub {m}tech.
Steckkartenplatz {m}comp.
Einbauschlitz {m}[für Platine]comp.
childcare slot [also: spot, seat, or space]
Betreuungsplatz {m}[für Kinder]
circumferential slot
Ringnut {f}
clamping slot
Spannschlitz {m}tech.
coin slot
Münzschacht {m}
coin slot [Am.][sl.]
Bauarbeiterdekolleté {n}[ugs.]
control slot
Regelschlitz {m}
cooling slot
Kühlungsnut {f}
Kühlschlitz {m}
cross slot
Kreuzslot {m}dent.tech.
damper slot
Schlitz {m} für Kaminschieber
double slot
Doppelschlitz {m}tech.
driving slot
Mitnehmernut {f}engin.tools
expansion slot
Erweiterungssteckplatz {m}electr.
graveyard slot
[Tageszeit, zu der mit sehr geringen Einschaltquoten zu rechnen ist]RadioTV
guide slot
Führungsnut {f}tech.
Führungsschlitz {m}tech.
insertion slot
Einsteckschlitz {m}tech.
letter slot [Am.]
Briefschlitz {m}
Briefeinwurf {m}[Briefeinwurfschlitz]
letterbox slot [Br.]
Briefkastenschlitz {m}
loading slot
Beladeschlitz {m}
Ladeschlitz {m}RadioTV
locking slot
Sperrschlitz {m}tech.
mail slot [Am.]
Briefschlitz {m}
mailbox slot [Am.]
Briefkastenschlitz {m}
memory slot
Steckplatz {m}[für Speicher]comp.
radial slot
Radialschlitz {m}tech.
radio slot
Radioschacht {m}automot.
return slot [at a library]
Rückgabeautomat {m}libr.
single slot
Einzelschlitz {m}tech.
slot antenna
Schlitzantenne {f}tech.
slot bracket
Slotblech {n}comp.
slot car
Slotcar {m}{n}
slot closer
Nutenstemmer {m}
slot cover
Schlitzabdeckung {f}tech.
slot cutter
Schlitzstange {f}tech.
slot diaphragm
Schlitzblende {f}MedTech.
slot game
Automatenspiel {n}
slot insulation
Nutisolation {f}electr.
slot liner
Deckschieber {m}tech.
slot machine
Automat {m}[Münzautomat]
Verkaufsautomat {m}comm.
Münzautomat {m}comm.games
Spielautomat {m}games
Münzspielautomat {m}games
Glücksspielautomat {m}games
Groschengrab {n}[Spielautomat][pej.]games
slot machine [casino gambling machine]
einarmiger Bandit {m}[ugs.][Casino-Spielautomat]games
slot machines
Spielautomaten {pl}
slot mask
Schlitzmaske {f}electr.RadioTV
slot meter
Münzzähler {m}[am Münzautomaten]
slot milling
Nutfräsen {n}tech.tools
slot needle
Nutnadel {f}
slot nut
Nutenstein {m}tech.
slot position
Slot-Position {f}dent.
slot racing
Slotcar-Rennen {n}toys
slot reader
Schlitzleser {m}tech.
slot screwdriver
Schlitzschraubendreher {m}tools
slot wedge
Nutkeil {m}